AxeLan is providing IT services & support for businesses since 2002. Our manage IT services (MSP), include the protection and management of workstations, servers, firewalls, patches and backups off-site. Everything about your IT infrastructure is supported, worry-free MSP, without Extras!

24/7 Remote Monitoring Management (RMM) & Managed Service Provider (MSP)

Managed Service Provider (MSP) : Our MSP offer is simple, everything known about your IT environment, is supported:

  • Servers and firewall management, maintenance and patches are included!
  • Server and workstations remote management and monitoring agents, patch management and Antivirus/EDR deployment and monitoring is all included!
  • Servers off-site archiving solution, crypto-virus protection and business continuity protection are included!
  • User account creation and removal, access permission management is included!
  • Installation of a new AxéLan workstation and its peripherals is included!

For new hardware, software or services, a new extra project will be created. And once that project is installed and completed, it becomes supported under the current MSP support. Worry-free MSP, without Extras!

Remote Monitoring Management (RMM) : Using the latest technologies permits us to manage and monitor all of the operational parameters of your IT system and services on a 24/7 basis. Furthermore, the combination of our RMM console and the vast experience of our staff enable us to solve issues proactively, thus effectively taking care of them even before they affect your IT services and productivity.

In essence, all of your IT devices (servers, network infrastructure, desktops, laptops and mobile devices) will be on our radar screen, actively monitored and managed.

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